Sunday, November 07, 2004

Various - DFA Compilation #2


Just got through my first listen of the new compilation from the DFA label. A very generous 3 discs and 30 tracks when compared to the 8 tracks of compilation #1. Never been a huge fan of the label until now. This record is fantastic. The labels sound has expanded from just dance-punk, branching out into disco, electro, and post-punky sounds. This thing is really solid all the way through, including versions of LCD Soundsystems "Yeah" single and a great new track from the Rapture. But it's the opening track (from a band called Black Leotard Front, whom I've never heard of) that could compete for song of the year. It's a fifteen minute (!) disco/funk track that's half silky smooth, half funkadelic nightmare, all the while keeping it's tongue firmly in cheek ("I was leaving the office. I took off my dress. I put on my overcoat. To surprise you in the flesh. ") Hot track.


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